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dj hero *cough*


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i saw the control unit yesterday and read a bit more about the game from the box and it's mostly aimed at hiphop/scratch, as we've all seen there is a turntable with three buttons dj-hero.jpg

there is also a mixer attatched to it with a cross fader effect button and knob.

what are peoples thoughts on this

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i watched the tutorials last night and all you do is press and release the button, move the platter either by scratching, small directional movements or by spinning it backwards.

the cross fader comes in to play from normally being in center, move it left or right with the appropriate button pressed or little stabs

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no more than mario kart simulates driving... or street fighter simulates getting your ass kicked..but both are fun GAMES.

it is a beat rhythm game with novel controls that is of the hip hop/ blends (or mash ups for the new school) genre. im sure it will be fun, but most def not meant to replicate djing.

saying that i hear guitar hero drums on expert is about 70% real!

i can sort of play guitar and found that guitar on guitar hero was more like a bass, very basic bass no flea style wupaas or string plucks.

google "scratch the ultimate", a rival game to dj hero and they got numark and akai (who are owned by numark) to do the devices. this looks awesome.

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