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need a light, not sure what to get... show me the way


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basically I need a light that would make a room glow a certain colour (prob green) and I want it as bright as possible, yet one a budget of a few hundred $$

It doesn't need to change colour, or flash. It just needs to light up a room

btw the room is prob 7M x 5M

anyway, if any products suggest/link me... If I haven't been specific enough, and you want me to provide more info, then say so :)

cheers for your help

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You need a 'wash' of some kind. Those LED bars are usually quite directional (ie a specificl area of illumination) unless they are placed at the bottom of a flat surface like a wall or cyclorama. I cant think of one light that will light up a whole room. You would need a few of the Mega bars on each wall facing up (ie up lighting). What effect are you trying to achieve?

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well it's sort of going to be for an advertising thing... basically my office has a very large window, and I basically want the large logo across the window to be back lit.

reason being, there is a main road out the front and it would definitly stick out at night time, cause there is bugger all around at night time in that area... basically cheap advertising :)


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Definitely LED or risk burning the place down with a normal light. Par can is probably the best option and you can pick them up pretty cheaply off E-bay. If your logo is slightly opaque or frosted then any light shining from behind will make it look like its glowing on a dark window. Probably much easier to do than using the logo to block the light from behind. Most LED par cans also have built in programs that make them change color over time.

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My personal favourite lights, add a hazer and two of these is awesome.

How much does one of these go for?

And on the PAR cans, im thinking of these. How many you reckon? My events are mainly low key events, house parties, small pub gigs. generally about 100 people.

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Get a few LED par cans.

The tri-colour units are really really bright, but cost a lot more. The one with 10mm LEDs is a lot cheaper, but not as bright. However, you could get more of them and spread them out for a similar effect.



http://www.nova-avgroup.com.au/image-vi ... ry24-1.jpg

http://www.nova-avgroup.com.au/image-vi ... ry24-2.jpg

(By the way, the prices listed are about double the price you can actually get them for. Just a sales thing, advertising them at a higher price)

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