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Hey guys any advice would be great:

I am about to buy a new laptop. The only thing I need this laptop for is:

- internet for buying my music

- I tunes

- a good burner to make cd's

- run reason 4.0

- use a midi keyboard

So pretty much it will be only a djing laptop. I have a external hard drive where i store all my music. If I get some money I might get Serato to use live. Any ideas on what I would need. Im looking to only spend around $1000, is this possible or do I need to spend more.


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wazza and you use a eeepc lol I wouldnt even give it to a 7yo

its a 4/10 rating

keyboard is small

the screen is small

runs on linux (limited on what you do)

there is no DVD burner

there is no actual Hard drive (only a flash solid state drive 4GB

dont you look at what people say ...

no thanks

and using a laptop just for music then DONT use it for anything else

either buy something that is decent and LOTS more in price or buy a desktop

all you will do is slow the whole system down

have a nice day

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If you plan to buy a laptop thats gunna run Reason 4.0, and serato..1.9. your gunna need some processing power. Gd luck getting that for under $1000. And ur gunna need a decent audio interface. Probably with MIDI in, cus laptops dont have that many USBs.

As dennis said, big dollars need to spent if you want all this in a laptop form...

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If you plan to buy a laptop thats gunna run Reason 4.0, and serato..1.9. your gunna need some processing power. Gd luck getting that for under $1000. And ur gunna need a decent audio interface. Probably with MIDI in, cus laptops dont have that many USBs.

As dennis said, big dollars need to spent if you want all this in a laptop form...

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