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Trakor unloading songs?


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mate, i didnt get to watch in too much detail, there is a lot going on.

From the off though: your cpu load is massive throughout. You waggle your mouse over it as if to point at it after you turn multi core support on but TBH the CPU load is freakin before and after this.

DO you have other programmes running?

Or perhaps some conflict with an internal soundcard?

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As stated in quite a few above posts


Your CPU is in overload the whole time before you even load tracks.

I remember when i used my mac when i had my midi (2.4 ghz Core 2 Duo), CPU never went over 5%. CPU usage would expected to be higher on timecode, but not too much higher when its just sitting there without any song playing (or even loaded to decks).

Latency increases CPU usage alot, INCREASE latency and see if that reduces CPU usage before you come back to us.

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