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Logic Studio 9 vs Ableton Live 8 (for production)


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Hey guys.

I'm very keen to get into production and have been looking at a few DAW's, particularly Logic, Cubase & Ableton Live. I have done a little research and have got the following impression:

Ableton: Fun! Unparalleled for live performance. Its workflow allows ideas to be captured quickly and easily. Can get claustrophobic composing in a projects with a large number of tracks.

Logic: Serious conventional DAW good for composing, mixing and completing songs. Comes shipped with some quality plugins.

Cubase: Similar to logic but can run on Windows as well as OSX. Some have suggested that it suffers performance issues on OSX (this may have been fixed now with patches ect.)

I was wondering if any of you can offer some insight from your experience with these products.


I am leaning towards logic since I have a Mac and already have a setup for performing DJ sets ect...

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I say this to a lot of people in regards to this question and my short answer is logic.

Reason I say is because if you are buying a mac, you get a program called GarageBand already installed. That's the baby version of logic. You can use that to get your head around the basics or audio, midi, mixing, structuring etc.

Once you're familiar with the functions of GarageBand, logic is the next step. You jump straight into it and you only really learn a few little things that GarageBand doesn't have. Layouts and functionality are very similar

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I've seen some logic and it looks great, although I don't know heaps about it I know that ableton has the much better live capability, and both the sessions and track view rather then just 1 like logic

other then that they are pretty similar from what I know

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Now I look dumb, i must have been on US site when i checked lol. :oops:

Now i look dumb.

Don't want to stray off topic, but does anybody know if you can order it off US site and get it posted, as it would end up cheaper with the dollar so strong? Could work out a fair bit cheaper. Or does it always redirect you to aus site?

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Being new to producing aswell I'm not sure about the other programs, I was already familiar with logic a few years ago through a friend and when I finally started wanting to produce I jus stuck with it, it's a real great program once you start to understand it :) in fact I'm just about finished my 1st track :D

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