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Limited space in bedroom - Parents are going to kick me out


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So I have good speakers but they just won't fit in my room because I bunk with my bro. There is barely enough room for my decks let alone two decent sized speakers. At the moment I have resorted to using those ghastly logitech x530's but I have an idea that could solve this problem...sorry if you don't understand what I'm thinking with the picture...I used paint lol. Let me know if you have any better ideas, because I don't think my folks are going to be too impressed with me hanging speakers out of my wardrobe lol (they will be removable but still)


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I say yes to any mod project that improves the djing experience :)

Hard to tell what's going on from the photo though, except for the speakers are getting put on brackets above the desk somehow?

How heavy are they? Coz if they aren't heavy could you get clamps with arms and platform and clamp them for each side of desk. Speakers are Probs too heavy though

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what sort of speaker, or more importantly how much do they weigh?

I fixed a pair of studio reference powered monitors to wall mounted T.V. stands once.

Cant find a link to the one's I found but:


is kinda what i mean. these ones say they will hold 60lbs each. It's harder to find ones now as since most t.v. went flat screen no one needs this shelf design style... but there must be some out there in your country.

If you're meaning P.A. speakers then just look around your average bar and venue: they take chain slung round roof joists or scaffold to hold the things safe!

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