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yeah man I rock my car subs to test bass too, it might be pretty low tech but after overear headphones, car and monitors I like to try out my laptop speakers or ipod earbuds just to cover all types. sometimes they reveal some subtle details in the high end. but then again I dont even know if you could call what i do mastering cuz im pretty bad at that

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haha...i only just read about that last night. Thanks tho chevvy.

i use headphones to produce, no secondary :( no THAT is a headache :teef:

True Jonny, you must know those headphones inside and out coz i cant tell bruh.

no interest in a pair of monitors??

what headphones u using?

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using just a pair of wesc dj headphones man.

either that or laptop speakers haha.

i deffinatly have plans to get monitors, just a matter of me pulling my finger out and putting money aside for them

well i take my hat off to u dood...that is madness with what ur comin out with.

i used to use logitech computer speakers...got me by i guess.

what monitors u lookin at?

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