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Ableton - Effects on 1 clip only


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hey lads, need a little help, so ive got my instrument and i put an EQ8 and ping pong delay on, but i only want it on 1 clip on that instrument...how do i stop it applying to all the clips on the instrument and only going to to a certain clip?

im sure there is just some simple way that i havent comprehended yet....

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Clip automation is what puts ableton into a whole league of its own, I'd pretty much be lost without it. Unfortunately you cant turn effects off for individual clips, but you can automate parameters so the signal is just passing through and being unaffected.

What you do is go to the clip view in the bottom browser and on the left there is the clip options, down the bottom of that section there will be a little "E" button, toggle it and the "Envelopes" section will appear, from then on its like normal automation in the arrangement. For the pingpong just automate the dry/wet so its completely dry, and for the EQ its a bit trickier, but just adjust the gain until the is no boost/attenuation.

Alternatively you can just dup the track and turn the effects off, or automate the effects on and off in the arrange.

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ok thanks chev, ill read that again when im sober and give it a go

i thought of this just now, would it work?

ok, so keep the effect assigned to the instrument but have it turned off, then in the track view automate an on off to say the ping pong effect onto what ever part of the song i want?

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