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good price?


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yeh what gandy said, that is a shiiiiit price, i dont understand why whales want so much for such an old piece of gear...

consider 850's man, i got mine for $1300 and they have shit loads more features then the 1000's

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Me thinks they buy the best gear thinking it'll make them a superstar Dj and then they realise they just dont have the passion. In order to try and stop feeling like an idiot for blowing so much money, they try and recoup their losses by selling the gear at the highest possible price.

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hey foedragon1,

cheers for the offer but I'm really looking for 2 X MK3s if possible. I'm about to sell my Stanton STR8.150s so I'm in dire need of some turntables ASAP if I do sell them. Don't want to go too long without turntables lol

Thanks for the heads up everyone though on the ebay guy...I did think he was dreaming lol

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