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Cheap and friendly mastering!


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Hey guys, just offering my services here to master tracks for you.

I usually charge $25 per track, but if you are from here $20

1: $20

2: $35

3: $45

If you do not like the final result, I will gladly refund you the money.

I have tested my mastered tracks on BIG systems, and they stood up to the test, quite well.

DO NOT expect a pro mastering job, just expect something that is more than acceptable when played out.

Here is an example (note that Soundcloud does do someform of rendering to tracks):

MASTERING EXAMPLE 1 (Prog House bootleg) WAV (48k/24bit) by Chris Gould

If interested. I prefer email: cgould.music@hotmail.com


But on here should be ok. If I don't reply straight away, best to email me.


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mastering can bring out a lot in a track as well, so if any of you are unsure, show me it and I'll let you know if it's worth mastering yet.

Im doing this, for guys like you, who might not be signed to labels yet, therefore have limited access to mastering.

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hmm... well i can give it a go mate.

Every track I master, is based on a reference track, so I analyze the reference track and apply dynamics based on that. The track above was referenced off Kaskade - I remember

So, jst send me your tracks, with reference tracks and I'll apply the same techniques

And if you dont like it, I'll just give your money back :)

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Yep, pick a professionally mastered track that has the same characters as you wish yours to. i.e big thick kick or prominent vocals or big perc.

But basically, just pick a song, you would like it to sound like. Every pro producer references as they mix their track, so it usually isn't a concern for them when mastering comes along. They'll jst drag a track out of their reference list.

When I am writing a song, I try to model it on another song, or part of another song, its not cheating at all, EVERYONE does it. How are you meant to know where a snare drums sits in a vocal prog track, unless you listen to an avicii track beforehand? etc

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this has ended up turning into a remix of a friends band and yeah, definitely not dutchy anymore, lol. haven't remixed before and the original is hell chilled so its weird turning it into a house track.

when I eventually finish, would I send you the individual tracks like drums, synths, vocals, bass etc. or just as they are?

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from the small experience ive had you have to mix it down so that the master output is peaking at around -3/-6db or there abouts depending on whos mastering it and how much headroom they want.

the way i go about it is mute all the tracks cept for my drum track, go to the part of the track that has the most elemtns and have it loop over and over, get the kik drum peaking at like -7db, and slowely unmute things adjusting the volems and shit so they fit together, and by the end when everything is un mutes the master leve shouldnt be going above -3db :) thats how i do mine anyway

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I kinda did that with my first track, except I bussed different tracks together and grouped drums, synths, sweeps, and other shit then adjusted them in the mixer, except I just put a limiter and gain plugin on the output channel so it peaked around -3db.

I only read up a bit on the process before I mixed down so it didnt come out sounding amazing or anything plus I think it was too quiet.

what Im asking though, is when this next track is ready to be mastered, would I send the bounced audio track with all tracks together, or seperate ones e.g. drums, synths, bass/sub-bass, white noise sweeps?

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If you want mastering, then send me a 44.1k/24bit wav, with no dithering at -4dB. Rendered from the master channel, with no plugins on the master channel.

Just run the track over the loudest part, pull down your master fader until it peaks at 4-dB or quieter.

And just generally make sure it's mixed as best as possible, make sure all parts are placed in their appropriate volume range.

And don't be concerned if it sounds quiet and lifeless... that's what mastering does

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