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WANTED: 2 x CDJ 1000 for $1500


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yeah true. just keep em at home to play around with when you get bored.

the transition takes a little bit to get used to but then after a couple of hours it goes alright. ive only used cd players twice and was able to mix okay by the end of the night. i still couldnt figure out how to maually set the first cue, but everything else was fine.

but yeah learning cdj's will prob make an easier transition into clubs and help you at certain clubs. lot of clubs still have turnies though in sydney (im sure we listed them off in another thread).

anywho just go with what you feel like doing. couldnt hurt to know both.

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My opinion

You a vinyl girl right? so the CD's arent going to be your main weapon so you wont need 2000's or 900's... but at the same time if you gonna fork out $2000 you might as well get something worth the money...

dont get me wrong 800's are alright but for $2000 you could easily get 400's,350's,or 1000's...800's just dont have many features at all in my eye's

and DJM800 and DJM700's are getting very cheap now with the 900 not far off...

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