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the downside on dj'ing


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hey all, what do you do when you hit one of those flat spots and start to wonder if it's all worth it?

have hit one of these lately i think i'm putting to much time into mixing behind closed doors and need to mix out in the public again, i've been spending between 1-4 hours a day mixing and have started to not enjoy it i like the mixing time and i've started experimenting more but...

just really at a flat spot, what does everyone do to get past these moments

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yeah don't smoke, doesn't do bad things but not good things either, i'm hoping that after saturday (mates 21st) and then monday (we love sounds) i'll feel more in the groove again.

i'd love to fall back to production but can't find my fruity loops cd so for now the only production is in my head and on paper( only rough representation of sounds not actual notes)

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you hit the nail on the head with going to we love ill be there its the best for reflection and inspiration. If you ever get in a rut go to a club that plays your genre of music on any night and one of two things will happen

1. you will say to your self and mayby even your friends will say to you "hey i can mix better then these guys, i should be up there"

2. Youll be blown away by a crazy set and fall back in love with the music and youll hit the blogs with a vengence

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cool so i really am just in need of a break, that's good thanks guys, been doing this for 2 years now and am only starting to get discouraged now i'm at the stage where the only things i'm learning is playing with different sequences of effects working delay's reassigning roll to another channel, started looking into midi functions and that blew me away but can't do anything with that until i get a laptop

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I sometimes play another sytle for a week or focus on production.

another thing i sometimes do, if i've been playing same group of tunes is do an hour demo, release it for download / hand it out to mates then focus on getting a shit load of new tunes for the week, then get back into it learning new songs / mashups etc.

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