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Bit of a late entry here. but meh.

striaght away im giong to say im a mac man.

But I like both.

Pc because of its gaming

Mac because for me i can use logic and logic FTW.

on my PC i opened 4 versions of massive and it crashed my computer ( i had a reletively old HP)

paid alot for anti virus protections and.....we got fuckloads of virus's anyway.

but still, playing cod4 made up for that.

the mac, i can open 10 instances of massive and still flow nicely.

i dont need a mac for gaming.....i have a ps3 so that ruins the pc's vote for ite epic gaming skills.

like said before, macs look so much cooler haha.

although that HP is looking miiiighttttty fine if i mite say.

there is no actually better computer, it comes down to personal preferance, what you actually want your computer for.

For me i want to make music and play games. i have the ps3 for gaming, and i like logic which is a mac product. i have no need for a PC.

this ios a debate that will never be won, because everyones needs from the computer vary

i love lamp :D

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