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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  pulsebeat said:
Im a combination

Macs are different than that as when it runs it doesnt all run at once where as pcs do

just change your processor setting.... i think thats how you stop that. i did it to my laptop.

i think its control panel > system > advnced > performace settings > advanced > then change it from "back ground services" to "programs"

thats how you do it. i read it on a tut. on how to setup your XP PC for audio recording.

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Do they? Maybe it's the other way round then..? I'll dig out the tut. I had and post it up for pc people. Pc is pretty much unbeatable on price but only because there parts are out sauces and made cheaply.... So not sure if it's a good thing or not?

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But with pc you can build it yourself

parts are easy to get

some u can get cheap as fuk and great quality

and something that is universal i think

think is with mac u could get bootcamp and use pc programs on there

and i must say

I WANT MY RIGHT CLICKER BACK(macs dont have it)

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Background Services

Why Change ? ASIO and all DirectX, VSTi etc. are classified as background tasks. With the computer optimized for background services, FX, virtual instruments and synths are given priority over graphics animations and other less important stuff. Changing this will without a doubt help lower latency and also greatly increase the amount of real-time processing of audio that your computer can handle.


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  • 5 months later...

It all depends,

Macs win in terms of design, no one can say a pc looks better then a mac.

Macs win in software, abode and other design products where made for mac, even back when indesign 1.5 came out, it was build for mac. The stock software (eg itunes) smashes windows media player, and even you guys with pc's im sure have itunes and even some of use might use safari.

Pc is good for coding and shit like that, but is not really that important for most.

Pc's also get a shit load of viruses.

therefore mac wins. PC = Piece of Crap

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haha Macs do win in looks =P they are just so sleek.. drool. + the 24+ inches.. cant go wrong with that!

PC meh.. they are clunky, although you can get heaps of applications and all that junk on it.which you cant really get onto mac. but for music/animation/video and all that creativity the macs rape PC in the Ass.

pft. PC - VISTA << ? (FAIL!) hahaha MAC? can you say any of it fails? MAC's layout have been the same ever since it came out. back in the day. unlike winblows changes everything all the time so they can make more money to train people because they think windows is topshit.

i prob used linux for about an hr or two just to try it out see it. not bad. i guess im not really a code type of guy with the terminal although if i really put my mind to it i'd prob use it. because it seems to be alot better to do server side things on such as hosting websites and certain server programs.


i'd be a PAC :)

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firstly, anyway who grades a computer on their physical looks is just retarded. It doesnt matter what they look like, the colour of the paint isnt going to change the performance.

Secondly, you cant debate without recognising both sides. No one here supporting MAC has acknowledged that PCs have gaming. a MASSIVE advantage.

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ill try to be as flameless as possible...

but in the end i think its about personal opinion. for me i prefer pc because i actually value choice. i dont want something to be locked down and restricted, and be told what i can't and can do with my machine. also i like to have the newest of the new with computers because its forever moving, while apple always lags behind by about 6-12 months (i mean where are their i7 notebooks?? probably not for another 3 months when everyones already moved on)

  dario said:
Macs win in software, abode and other design products where made for mac, even back when indesign 1.5 came out, it was build for mac. The stock software (eg itunes) smashes windows media player, and even you guys with pc's im sure have itunes and even some of use might use safari.

hmmm.. i dont think thats quite right. ive used premiere on a pc for about 7 years without issue. and i think since mac came intel way its all the same. i mean office or even traktor was written with pc in mind and it works just as well on a mac.

and itunes!!! you're kidding right. looks sweet as, but its restrictive as buggery!!! and probably has the least selection of possible file types of any media player. i mean yeah i use it but thats because apple mp3 players are so "good" you have to plug it into a machine to do any type of setup with it... and even that they restrict how many machines you can use???

admittedly i havent used safari except for on an iphone. and its dumb. for all us muso fans, grab an iphone, go to your fave music blog, check out the latest mixxx by your fave dj, download it and then put it into your playlist... oh wait you cant!! but you can with any other phone that has a browser, even those from 4 years ago!

as i said it really is about personal preference, and both can work. apple is like your business xmas party, nice and safe, the choice of drinks are limited and there are a lot of rules but you can still have a lot of fun. while pc is like going clubbing, you can buy what you want, stay out for as long as you want, and basically do what you want, yeah youll pick up a virus here and there along the way, but youll have a shyte load of fun!

EDIT: ha ha oops that came off a bit narky. to be honest my experience has come from an ipod and an iphone, which both just irritate me sometimes and make me wonder what is apple thinking. e.g why disable the hard drive of the iphone! and in terms of their lag behind in technology. i remember waiting in eagerness for the mac book pro's to come with dual core processors, and when they finally did 6-8 months after everyone else, they were only using the slower end processors??? i was like What The!

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