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Beginning to Produce


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Hi all,

I am very new to producing, I have noticed there is so much to learn and I am chasing advise on how to keep up with it all?

Is there any courses you took?

What is the best way to learn?

Are there any tips/starting out things I need to know?

any advise is valued!!!

Thanks, JB

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Probably should be moved to the production section...

The only way to learn is by doing, get in your DAW and start clicking about, once you're comfortable with the software you should probably get up to scratch with a bit of music theory if you haven't already.

Youtube can be sometimes helpful, but imo its best to avoid it in the beginning.

Basically for a novice it should be all about mimicry, copying a sound is the one of the best ways to learn, and if you are meant to be a musician, your own creative input will come naturally.

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Sorry wasn't sure if it was a production thing or a beginners thing as it's both. Please move it if it should be though.

Thanks, thats what i have been doing but I just need something to reference to. I think I'll just keep fiddling and reading magazines and such!

Thanks, youtube is a good idea when I am ready :)

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hey jbeard ive kind of been teetering too on the production side. i kind of doubt my creativeness to output (i once tried graphic art because i can imagine heaps of cool things in my head, and im an awesome doodler then it turned out i could never convert what i see in my head onto the medium...doh).

anywhos, yeah ive done a lot of youtubing though you have to sift thru a lot of "watch me watch me" with little explanation videos, and the assumed knowledge videos.

reading a lot of manuals (just read the 114 page reason getting started manual even though i only have reason adapted which is reason but you can only have one of each device, so this just annoyed the shyte out of me).

and also computer music. which ive been reading at the local borders and i ordered one issue online ($10 delivered as opposed to $25)

and finally just smashing it out on your software at every step. so i would go in and try everything not really know what i was doing. then next time after reading a bit and you tubing a bit. go back in and have a bash. and just kept building on it.

now i can confidentally create noise, i mean experimental music :lol:

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hey man, Learning piano is deffinatly NOT a silly idea....it will only help you, and once youve got producing a song down you will be able ti write all your melodies alot easier and quicker.

i myself have no idea how to play piano, so when im writing all my tracks, i just kind of past things into the piano roll and change it all aroudn till all sounds on key...so learning piano would be a great asset in my eyes.

about learning how to produce.

you mentioned you want either ableton or logic....how about going to their websites and downloading the demo's before you set yourself on buying one.

youtube can be dangerous, there is ALOT of videos on there but also alot that can teach you bad habbits and what not. Just read the manual through out and open up your DAW and just go about fiddling with everything you can.

my main advice would be, dont go into this thinking of making a track....cause it just wont happen, at least for the first month or three. it will be like learning any other intrument, you have to learn all the basics before you can construct/play a full fledged song.

so dont get frustreated if things arnt working it...it takes time and practice a little more practise, then a bit more practise :)

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Jonny, thats an excellent way of putting it! Never thought of it like that.

I know someone who does Piano lessons so perhaps I'll do a bit with them.

The software is a hard decision! Is logic or ableton in your opinion the best for Dub/Club music?

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Learn piano, learn theory, these will help you no end!

This is a great site to start learn your chords and scale etc. I use it everyday.


Software is not made for certain types of music, they all do the same things in different ways, its up to you to figure out what works best for you. If you've dabbled in garageband then logic would be the logical progression whereas ableton is a completely different world cause it is not a traditional DAW.

Basically, DEMOS!

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