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blodders introduction


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So how did it all begin?

mixvibes one and and napster back in 98-99 i know naughty me

Where did the name come from?

when i was born, my parents started to call me blodwin to stop their friends calling me spud. i told some one at high school and the nick name 'blodders' was borne

What gave you that initial push?

was at a friends older brothers birthday and they had a cdj500s and DJM600. they taught me the basics and let me loose.

Which came first: DJ'ing, Production or Promoting?

took djing seriously first but was mucking around with acid at the same time

Who's throwing the best parties at the moment?

ME, come down to flipside

Which other countries have you played/put parties on?

ah me travel? played in sydney

What was the first event you ever played at?

first time i ever played on cdj was also my first gig :P FIGJAM

What’s the best event you've played at/put on?

ran a largeish budget rave back in 2003 called fused... it fizzled

What was your first record you bought?

cosmic Gate - Fire wire

What was the first CD you bought?

best of the 70's

Out of all the tunes you have, which one 'never fails'?

mmm hard one i know its cover and label even where in my box it is but cant remember it's name

What's your favourite tune of all time?

fade - solu music, still sends a shiver up my spine

When all the partying is over how do you like to chill out?

few mates some laid back tunes and a few drinks in the sun I LOVE SUDAY SESSIONS

So how is the Australian scene in your eyes at the moment?

tied and boring. full of annoying little 18yo who want it "bigger harder stronger faster" where's the soul? where's the funk? yes i'm getting a little old and grumpy :P

How old are you?

26... i think keep forgetting

Where do you live?

Melb the bar capitol of the world... ok aust

What can you remember of playing/being at your first live set?

my GF at the time beingREALLY pissed off that she went to bed with out me and when she woke up i was still on the decks

How big is your vinyl collection? What do you think of CDJ's?

few hundred carefully selected tunes don';t mind CDJ's just could afford them

Funniest thing that ever happened at an event?

i don't rember but people tell me i was hysterical

Other DJ's you rate?

mark farina, fred everything, fatboy slim, niel bartley

What are your feelings on the MC's?

like orrignal ones, and ones with a bit of cheek, MC dd from sneaky sound system b4 that stupid bitch joined

What do you do outside of the music scene?

Girls, motorbikes, coffee, construction management and good design

What advice would you give to up and coming DJ's/Promoters?

just do it... ah shit another legal letter form nike's lawyers

When you play is it mostly pre-planned or on the fly?

all on the fly baby, all on the fly

If you could put yourself as the res DJ in any scene, where would you choose?

Sunday session beach party's or a terrace some where :oops:

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