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Question: Anybody scratch on anything BUT Technics decks?


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I wanna know because I sold up my gear for a Numark NS7, but missing that vinyl feel, kinda want both... wanted to know now with Technics going under (http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2010/10/end-of-an-era-panasonic-kills-off-technics-turntables/ sad day :o ) if it's worth looking at another manufacturer? Being very partial to the 1200 series like most people but I honestly haven't tried any other direct drive turntable, honestly they probably would perform the same, knowing what sort of bar Technics had set for the market, I think it's a case that Technics was simply the industry standard.

But please let me know your thoughts all.

But PS: Now's a good time to potentially buy Technics turntables ;)

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Interesting. I kinda forgot Q used Vestax... Yeah been looking up Stanton STR8-150's and Vestax PDX-3000MKII all night they seem to have narrowed down to the best contenders.

Really interested in the STR8-150's, they seem to have the best reviews and 100% positive feedback for scratch use....

Thnx dude.

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your on the gold coast.....I'm on the gold coast come and play on my pdx 3000 mk2 if you like

then you can see if you like

$1095 is alot for a turntable ....So you need to have a play with them to see if you like them before you take the jump with all that $$$$

I love vestax turntables ....the best for scratch

the pdx 3000 mk2 with midi will open you up to a whole new world for you my turntable friend

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saw that on e.bay...$500 buy now price

it a mk1 pdx 3000 ( no more than about 2 years old ) with a S toneArm like a 1200..Torque S.I.M

so you can make them feel like a 1200 & MIDI

but 24 bit motor...

the mk2 3000 has new motor, 32 bit & better feet

Its good to see Vestax is still putting $$$ into D.V and has not given up on Vinyl

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