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Starting tracks and Mix down's


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have 2 Q's for you producers.

1st. How do you guys start your tracks? i ussualy get a drum beat happening, and work from the start of the track down the guts to the end.

a mate of mine said he gets a 8 bar drum loop happening, buids the drop on that then builds the intro and what not off the front of it and the rest off the end (so essencially im starting from the start of the track and he starts from the middle and works outward)

curious to see what you guys do, keen to try some diffrent styles hopeing it makes me more creative.

2. how d you guys go about doing your mixdowns.....do you do it as your making your track or do it all at once at the end when youve finished.

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For me it changes with every track, sometimes I start with a melody, sometime a drumloop, sometimes a bassline, sometimes a pad etc etc. What usually happens is Ill get some sort of inspiration from a sound and then build around it, and the source of inspiration usually ends up being the centrepiece of the tune, not always though.

As for mixdowns, other than levels, I tend to do most of it after I've put down the main structure, I like to get it all out before I lose it ya know.

I seem to work way differently to everyone else I've ever talked too about this, but it works most of the time so meh.

To me it seems a bit limiting and formulaic to start every tune the same way...

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Chev i work exactly the same way, so your no longer alone. if i sit down and say " ok i'm going to write a song" 9 times out of 10 it never really works i mess about a lot or look for samples / listen to other tunes if i find somethiiing inspirering then i get cracking.

as for mix down i sort of do it roughly through the whole track whilst writting but generally always making sure my kick is nice and loud so i've really got that thumping beat after i'm 90-100% finished i'll go back through and touch up the levels.

another process i do i generally leave the track for a couple of days to a week (basicly until i forget the finer points of the track) where i dont listen to it at all then re-listen re-EQ & re-mix anything thats annoying me. its kinda a good way to reset your mind with a particular track and come back nice and fresh and double check everything.

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