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Serato vs Traktor


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craze (the most winningest dmc champion), klever (multi dmc champion), shiftee (dmc champion), grand master flash (the old school man), qbert (the alien) to name a few all use traktor scratch pro.

the way i see it, early adopters of dvs went serato because it was the best at its time. but that stronghold is shifting becuase the best in the game have all gone traktor.

but i take it back serato does have reliability over traktor. but that is irrelevant of whether you use cdj's or turntables.

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no I dont think serato will reduced their price...

from what I'm hearing from my source's traktor is moving stock because something new is coming out next year ( software ) ..the hardware will be the same ....& if you are now TSP user you will have to pay for the up grade to the new software

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check out youtube for qbert's comparison, there's next to nothing in it.

serato won't go the massive price drop, theyu've only recently had new soundcard, new version and the ableton bridge. This special won't last so long that they'll chase the price down

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as in Possible Traktor 4?

haha so they get a double win, charge you now to buy traktor, then in 6-12 months charge u again to upgrade just as you've got used to the old software

smart ass's

that's only if you decide to upgrade so quickly. and at least they're not charging full price right now ;)

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For anyone contemplating on buying or who already have bought CDJ350's as then buying Traktor:

Pioneer releases new MIDI Mapping firmware so you use a CDJ-350 as a controller for Traktor Pro (supported by Native Instruments), as well as new driver firmware for connecting your CDJ-350 to a PC.

These new firmware updates can be found on the Pioneer CDJ-350 page.


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