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G'day from NEWCASTLE


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Names Dave looking at getting into DJ'ing after listening to a few of my mates mixes and deciding that my current hobby is costing me to much, looking at maybe CDJ1000's or 350s and DJM800 or 400.

Wont be buying for a few months yet so will just cruise around this bored and read up before making my final decision, with any luck might find someone from around my area who will let me have a mess around on their decks and teach me a bit before i take the plunge.

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What about QLD u Statesist mother fucker :eek:

LOL just kidding, welcome mate :safe: i wouldnt recommend getting 1000's as they will still cost you an arm and a leg and they are starting to head out of date anyway....but hey if u can get them cheap then why not

for a begginer set of CDJ's alot will recommend 400's or 350's, even 200's on a cheaper budget...

but if u can afford it go 900's, they are getting a very good rap at the moment

but for in depth gear talk post up some gear questions in the beginner section as introductions are basicly just to tell us about yourself and get welcomed by others :)

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LOL 1000's will still come out cheaper than keeping marine fish FUCKING EXPENSIVE BASTARDS lol

Don't mean to be stateist can't help it that im in the superior state 8O lol *DAVE COMES IN PEACE* looking forward to learning about the DJ world and hopefully get involved soon

Cheers Dave

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welcome to thr forums man.

basically turntables are the analog/oldschool/alot more skill required version, if you can mix well/scratch and all that shit on vinyl, youve got something going for you.

cdj's are the digital age, and from then on it just gets more digital. cdj's are the standard in clubs and what not, being because most of the people picking up djing will go to cdj's or other djing software, mainly because it can be a little cheaper and they have alot of feature that make it alot easier to start up, but it also takes away alot of the skill involved.

clubs will still have turntable put away for the guy that still charges on the vinyl, so either way you cant loose,

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