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exporting itunes playlists


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can i export all my playlists from my windows desktop to my macbook so i dont have to recreate them again? they literally have 100s of songs per playlist be gay if i had to set them up again now i have my music on my laptop

i tried the right click - export and it mate a txt file which i can import into excel as a csv, but can i just import that on my laptop?

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your playlist should be saved automatically in an itunes folder on your C drive, if not you can just go to the top and go file and save another 1

now if that file is mac compatible then its very easy

just transfer your music files onto your mac into say a folder named Gandy's music, then add the folder to the itunes on your mac and then import the playlist and it should rename all your files to what you already had them at

i went from windows to windows and it worked perfectly, about 10 minutes including import time

fingers crossed it works on mac

if not google it but when i was doing it the tutorials are overly long and half the steps arent needed...

hope this helps :)

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yes there is FAB :) just not directly the way your doing it

its just apples way of stopping copywright n people sharing there bought music lol

ok so istead of just trying to steal the playlist because its most likely trying to update the names of the songs n shit, beacuse the playlist actually has to have locations of the files so when you click for instance "Thriller by MJ" it will bring up that file and play, if you dont have that file or the playlist isnt connected to its location then it will error and ask you to locate

now the best way to get around all that shit is to get an ipod and sync your mates itunes to your ipod, then once you get to your computer the ipod will ask you to sync your itunes, DONT!

now unlike most old MP3 players where you could just access your "My computer" n see the player connected and just add and remove files as you please, ipods dont let you, once again to stop copywrite and file sharing

but the files are there, you can download many programs from the net that will access these files so you can just copy paste or export to your computer and add them to your itunes so you now have your mates songs and your own, thus eliminating the need for his playlist because your playlist now has all his shit

:D that help?

unfortunately i cant think of the program name that i used to have as it was on my Old dead desktop and i havent since needed the program on my new laptop....

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Thanks DJaz.

Other idea I had was if I had a loptop without I tunes on it

I could download his Ipod playlists to that puter.

as a file and import that file to my puter that has itunes on it but keep them seperate and play his playlist with winamp.

Is that possible?

Ipod should show up as a external drive that could be copied and pasted unless it was a shortcut.

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not so much needed for itunes, need to be able to copy all the songs from my playlists (including the files) in VDJ onto the USB stick showing up in "My Computer" without having to search threw 2000 odd songs in my music folder and finding them 1 by 1

Idea's on that?

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ok umm im not really sure how else to explain it :P

so ive got Virtual DJ Pro, in it i have a playlist named House, i need that playlist to be exportable as music files so i can place them on my USB to be used with the USB port on my up n coming CDJ400's

^ that rather then searching threw my music folder n finding the files 1 by 1


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Djaz VDJ still creates a .M3U file when you save a playlist!!!

its a TXT file open it in NOTEPAD

an example:

file name is called--- megamixes (07-06-2010).m3u


#EXTINF:4372,VA - The Brains 90s Classic Dance Mix

\\Dj-music\F\Mp3-Downloads\Megamixes\VA - 90's Classic Dance Mix (Megamix) [1x mp3]\(Megamix) VA - The Brains 90s Classic Dance Mix.mp3

#EXTINF:4405,VA - Best Of 80's Hitmix (Depeche Mode, Erasure, OMD, Pet Shop Boys, The Cure)

\\Dj-music\F\Mp3-Downloads\Megamixes\!to-use\(Megamix) VA - Best Of 80's Hitmix (Depeche Mode, Erasure, OMD, Pet Shop Boys, The Cure).mp3

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