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Gig speakers, any suggestions?


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Hey peeps, basically want speakers for gigs. I play mainly techno/minimal-tech/and even a bit of electro. I need speakers for crowds of about 50 - 150 people. I was thinking of one JBL JRX125, and one Mackie SRM450. I think that's pretty decent, with the JRX basically acting as a sub aswell. Passive or powered, doesn't really matter to me, nothing too pricey, I think you guys get the drift of how much I roughly want to spend (no higher than $2k AUD.) So yeah, what do you guys think? Thankssss :)

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two 12 inch tops and one sub. For mobile stuff, self powered will always be easier, but could be more pricey.

You'll definately want a sub if you're playing techno, etc. To get the best price, i recommend going to a large store (kosmic is the biggst here in WA) and getting them to package it, with cables, etc.

If you want the speakers to work with a large crowd, you would definately need to put them on stands above head level.

For 2k, you can probably get a decent pair of tops, and a low to middle range sub - but that sub will definately make a difference. If you are putting your tops on stands, you will lose everything below 100hz, so even if its a behringer or no-name, it will make it heaps better. Not pushing your tops as hard will also make them last substantially longer.

http://www.storedj.com.au/products/product.php?id=2781 is an example of a pair of tops that go well - you might remember that mackie originally released those as 'tapco' to test their quality but cause they were such a hit they branded them as genuine mackie.

http://www.storedj.com.au/products/product.php?id=1139 is a good example of a whole system - i know one of the big mobile dj companies in WA use those as one of their main systems.

You can probably get a 15 inch sub such as this one http://www.storedj.com.au/products/product.php?id=1194 (but a powered version) for around $700. I personally have a Proel Flash 15 active sub that is great for small mobile gigs.

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Another option, if you'd prefer, could be a pair of something like this


and then a substantial amplifier such as this




or this


(in decreasing price & power order, but each has its benefits).

One of the guys on here (DJaz) has just bought the epx3000 so he could give you a good review of it im sure.

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yeh as pill said ive recently got the Behringer Epx3000 and has run without a missed beat so far, is powering 2x 120w PA's and 2x200w subs,way to much power for the 2 PA's but i will upgrade eventually,perfect for the subs, should be enough power for a decent set up, for the price you wont get much similar, pretty light for its size

as for a very in depth tech review i cant provide...:P

This will give u a quick look at the amp and whats its running

http://www.ausdjforums.com/modules.php? ... pic&t=3192

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Using two different types of speakers sounds weird to me...but i cant think of a decent reason why!?

I would buy two matching tops like Mackies or JBL. My SRM 450's put out a huge sound and will easily keep a dance floor happy. For larger gigs, I hire in one or two Mackie subs (one for larger rooms and two for anything bigger like a hall or auditorium).

Self powered is better as you can keep on adding more and more speakers if need be but will cost you more.

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