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Buying Speakers :)


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so if u read my earlier thread i am getting my 1st mobile DJ set on a $500-$600 Budget.... ACHIEVED!

i have decided on these speakers, from a local store

http://www.jaycar.com.au/productView.as ... BCATID=605

and i was going with a 2x80w amp but have found a much more powerfull one for the same price from a store in melbourn(store i got my RMX from)

http://www.djcity.com.au/products/spl-5 ... _1526.html

my question is though, because the speakers are 120w each, there is no harm in the amp having a fair bit more power is there?

REASON; i want the better amp because i will need to upgrade speakers later on and if i still have a powerfull enough amp then i wont need to upgrade it :)

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yeh will be just mixing in my house n getting used to them before hammering the volume anyway :)

nope, was about $580 all up so it should be all good, chances of getting anything cheaper were slim so im happy :)

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The amp sounds good.

I overdid it for an amp and cant carry the thing 20kg.

I should have bought a 350Wrms per channel amp and hired a bigger unit when required.

Stuck with this monster now. its in a plastic roadcase that slides everywhere.

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yeh was really happy with the find on the amp as i was going to pay the same amount for a 2x80w lol

amp is on the truck from VIC now, speakers arive at the store thursday :)

will update the thread once i get the bad girls home

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Having a more powerfull amp than the speakers is a better option than the revererse. It means you have the power to move the drivers back and fourth in very precise movements (not flapping arround bashing against their limits). You'll get a much cleaner sound. Of course you also run the risk of overpowering them and burning them out so you need to be wary. I would recommend buying a limmiter/compressor as well:

http://www.ausdjforums.com/modules.php? ... pic&t=1424

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ok very glad i got the better amp posted instead of the less powerfull from the speaker store, have literaly got about $20 to my name for about 3-4 weeks as im in debt, running at 120 watt max each speaker would be to loud i hope anyway, will look into the compressor

thanks :)

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haha source beat me to the well done. always get an amp bigger than the speakers, if not for any reason other than for giving you room to move.

The only other thing you might want to consider are those little protectors you can put inside the speakers that melt and disconnect the speaker when too much power is shoved in to it. Although, there's obviously the con to this of your speaker turning off mid-gig rather than a little distortion.

I never went with them but thought it was worth mentioning. One of the smarter Jaycar store attendants will be able to provide you with the advice you need (half of them aren't even real nerds anymore, pfft...).

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will ask them about some sort of protection with that lol

but they dont know im getting my amp elsewhere's as im still protending to be considering there amp because i want a better deal if i can get it :)

LOL i kid you not, this jaycar guy is still old school then, i had to lift the speakers down from shelving as he has pulled his shoulder "throwing a ball" and cant lift

very nice bloke though

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

If you've only got 2 of these Jaycar Speakers then you wont need the amp that i have...

you would need something say 140 watt+ per channel so that your amp has some head room, otherwise if you have say 100 watt per channel you would have to max your amp (not good) all the time to get close to the speakers max RMS watts (120 RMS watts)

+ throw up an intro in its section and tell us about yourself man :)

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Hello There!

As DJaz said, you don't need anything serious for those jaycar speakers, however I would most certainly recommend you get something more decent (that is, actual pro gear rather than cheapie) if you plan to DJ for more than a few months.

Digitech (Jaycar Amps) simply won't last on the road.

You can get some very cheap and lightweight Behringer stuff like DJaz got on storedj.com.au - This is the minimum standard I would consider:


I know $400 is a lot of money when you're starting out but you're better off spending $400 once than $250 on a shitty product that will break after a few months. You'll also end up with heaps more headroom for when you get a better pair of speakers down the road.

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