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Berlin Nightclubs Turn Into Overnight Homeless Shelters During The Harsh Winter


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Berlin gets cold in the winter. A 14-day forecast from today reveals temperatures ranging from 27 degrees Fahrenheit during the night to a high of 45 degrees during the day. For many people, they can afford to bundle up or work in heated buildings and drive in heated vehicles. For Berlin’s homeless population, the weather can be deadly.

Thankfully, the city’s nightclubs are standing up and doing something about it. Two clubs in the Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain (the second borough of Berlin), Astra Kulturhaus and Bi Nuu, will take days out of they regular show schedule to open their doors to the homeless, offering a warm place to sleep for the night. No mention of food was made in the reports. No exact statistics exist on the number of homeless in the city, but estimates suggest the number is around 10,000.

Sara Luhmann, a spokesperson for the district where the two nightclubs are located, told Der Tagesspiegel, a German daily newspaper: “It’s great when nightclubs make such offers and take on social responsibility. We are happy about every additional offer to further expand the number of cold weather places.”


H/T Far Out | Photo via brownpau

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Berlin Nightclubs Turn Into Overnight Homeless Shelters During The Harsh Winter


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