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mos dubstep album


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As much as I thought this was the crappiest idea ever when I heard about it, they've actually represented a pretty good overview of dubstep, quite well actually. My only dislike, and its a big one, are the THREE doorly remixs and the jackwob remix, all horrible excuses for music, and it saddens me that such a second rate producer like doorly has the most tracks in this where as loefah has not one track in it, seriously fucked that is. Good to see burial included and joy orbison and so much breakage, that made me happy :D "hard" is an absolute tune, anyone into UK rap/grime should defo check it ;)

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to be honest I dont really think it would piss off that many people because they've done a pretty good job imo, hopefully the bandwagon crew will listen to anti war dub and realise what the scene is all about, pretty crazy that mala let them use that track, seeing as there was only ever 2000 or so 12s pressed and he said they wont press it ever again, but I guess he doesn't really care for digi.

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