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Need sleep


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I'm not 100% sure if this is the right sub forum to put it in. But when i bought my cdjs last week. Why didn't any one tell me or why wasn't there a warning on the box that said that its very addictive. Ive barely slept since i bought theses things.I cant seem to pry myself away from them.

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i remember when i first got my set up. wasn't really focused on much else to be honest lol

as for the whole sleep thing, i could do with that right now actually. been working 14hr days since sunday with not much shut eye :/

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id love to have time to have no sleep cus im addicted to CDJs.

Instead i have to have terrible days at work and then have some fucking slut receptionist tell me im being rude... when i seriously wasn't. ehhh working in the disability field is a tough gig

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Yeah the pays good. But not as good as some people thinks. We have lost alot peneltys the last few years. But it is a shift work job. So where there is shift work there is normaly good pay. One of my mates works on the mines. Now what is really good pay

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