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ADJF voice-over thingie (im fully aware this makes no sense)


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ok so just had a thought.... we all pass our mixes around to people and post them on social networking blogs etc. what if we had a sample we could throw into our mixes to give ADJF a lil more exposure and rep?

sooooooo for example, we can have a chick saying "aus dj forums (dot) com" or have an individual sample which is like "you are listening to Spitfire representing ausdjforums.com" with a lil echo, a few filters or whatever?

was first thinking about using some female voice over that reads tx on your computer coz it would be fairly easy but thought it might sound a lil better with a real person.

what do you guys reckon?

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but wait i just had although dont we have to make sure ausdjf wants to be associated with our mix as in that they back it, its kinda like making a mix then throwing a voice over saying " this is an official ministry of sound electro sessions" or something like that

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damn 2 pages already!! lol

ill check those samples out in a sec. goin over a dubstep mix i just did. hopefully i can throw the sample under it if it sounds all good :)

EDIT: just heard them. i like em! could maybe use both at random times even.

i think the filters n stuff are pritty cool. a lil stereo widening would work.

for words n stuff, we could have 3 samples? have like a beginning-of-the-mix sample which is something like, "you are listening to......" and either have "representing adjf (or whatever)" and then could throw in the ausdjforums dot com sample around the place...?

i duno, anyone else got ideas?

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