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A few more freebies


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2 more little gems for free on PluginBoutique... I should get royalties for all my advertising lately! 

http://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/27-Stereo-Width/3044-MSW1 - Stereo enhancer.. Pretty cool for individual tracks, not so much the master from what I've seen..

http://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/49-Echo/2393-Reverser-Snapin - Reverse reverb.. pretty much makes your sounds flip and suck back into themselves type of thing, seems pretty legit!

Enjoy :)

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16 hours ago, LabRat said:

That reverse reverb plug would be pretty cool but it's pretty easy to do without it lol stereo enhancers can be good on master channels if you have total control of it like the iZotope one. 

I'll probably grab that tbh... I have so many stereo enhancers already haha

I've just started fiddling around with stereo image on the last few mixes I've done.. Definitely adding depth hay! Yeah haven't actually used the reverse yet but I'm sure I will at some point.. Can never have too many plugs up your sleeve! 

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