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There is now $ADJF forum cash you can earn by doing shit


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There is now a currency economy installed on the forum.

Events like posting, making new threads, posting calendar items (and other shit you have to work out) will earn $ADJF Cash.

This can be exchanged into $ADJF Prestige Cash which can be used to buy things from the ADJF Shop or generally look like a rich jew cunt.


Check it out by clicking the Economies tab up the top menu or this link:




When you make a post on the forum (or perform one of several other actions; for example receive +1 rep or add an event to the calendar) you receive points called 'ADJF Cash'.

This 'cash' equates to 1% of a dollar (or 1 cent). Eg. 1 post = 1 cent.

What this means is that if you do enough you'll earn enough to exchange these points (ADJF Cash) for items in the ADJF Store.

Eg. If you make 1000 posts you'll earn $1

You can also deposit money in the Savings Account to earn interest (additional ADJF Cash) in the same way a bank works.



Prestige Cash is worth 10x what Basic Cash is worth. This means you need $10 Basic to exchange into $1 worth of Prestige.

The two savings accounts will accrue interest at 1% every day (for now) on whatever you deposit (transfer).

TIP: The way to earn money best is to post to earn Basic Cash, then exchange it for Prestige Cash then deposit that for Savings interest.


Let me know any feedback/ideas etc. or need help working out how to use it. It's pretty easy once you try.

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I can't do 0.0x only 1% is the lowest and it accrues over 2 days so technically it's 0.5% a day

Rep will be configured to give money (probably to the user receiving it). Could even make +rep for someone else take away $1 ADJF cash which makes giving rep more careful or something.  I duno. Open to ideas.


I'm trying to work out how the bank operates at the moment.

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17 minutes ago, AlexJ said:

how does one earn this new prestige cash?

Once you earn 10 Basic you exchange it in your Economy Dashboard (blue button on the right in the Economies section).

10 Basic = 1 Prestige

Click the little down arrow next to your Spending Account amount and click 'exchange'.

16 minutes ago, Duz said:

idk, one dollar for every line written in chat.


I'll be a bajillionaire

Yeah it can't work like that.

But you can send and receive money so I guess people can ask someone to do something then pay them with $ADJF

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1 minute ago, AlexJ said:

how long will it take for my presitige dollar to double? wouldnt it make more sense to leave it as basic dollars for interest purposes?

You have to work out your own finances. I might make the different accounts accrue at different rates but at the moment because it's new they're both at 1% a day.

Jew it out yourself :chin:

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9 minutes ago, AlexJ said:

cmon cupeman your meant to be helping me plan my future

lol dude if both accounts accrue at the same interest rate the one with the highest value will earn more interest

Who and how will the Panama Papers hit the stockmarket (if)?

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