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Late night pondering… So I got this screen capture thing and wanna give it a good go. I figured something musical would be a good start so just wondering what you guys might like to see as far as production tutorials go (for now. Can do traktor mapping once I get that shit down a bit better). I'm looking for ideas, but will choose the most suggested topic to start off with

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where things are in the program, how to do one specific thing (creating a melbourne sounding baseline, reverse reverb, exporting a track, fade in and out etc...)

but i think it's a good idea to have how to's with basic's. but... its up to you man, dont have to start off with the basic's. if you're itching to do a video on how to do masive drops or something... do it :D

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lol the basics are a good thing. I'm happy to do basics coz they're where everyone looks first but I can't really think of what I use to look for. The reverse reverb could be a good one coz that was one thing I looked at doing. I can do a tonne of Melbourne stuff pretty easily too

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Dude you know what i'd really love to see. Workflow, guide around the program and how you use it to keep everything.

The whole Sampling process

What you're looking for when going for samples, how you grab them, store them, and use them.

Maybe record yourself doing a whole track then re-watch the video cutting it down to the key parts and explaining the process?

I'd be all for watching ADJF tutes over anything else on the net.

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  BeatLeSS said:
The whole Sampling process

What you're looking for when going for samples, how you grab them, store them, and use them.

the sampling one will be a good one. there's heaps of videos about sampling but they seem a bit over complicated. i'll try work on a simplified version and make that happen too.

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  • 2 months later...

When I youtube tutorials the presenter assumes a certain level of understanding from his/her audience ,which either leaves gaping gaps in the method or has the new Ableton student so confused about the previous slides that they have no idea what is going on in the next so if you were interested in doing a progressive series of tutorials it would be good to start with basic descriptions/instructions. Audio setup and the like can be up to the user but from then on in what is a rack how to use instruments when you drag ,for example operator how do you yourself use it.

The fact that we have access to an inumerable amount of information on the internet and still can't seem to crack it may also show that we are too lazy/impatient to slowly work our way through the ableton manual. Basically we are the people who buy idiots guides to Ableton, that aside watching someone work and having them explain in detail what they are doing ,why they are doing it , the advantages of the method and any alternative ways of achieving the same result allows us to progress at a greater speed,but the voice over needs to be thorough with their explanations and continue to assume that the viewer has absolutely no Ableton knowledge.

If you do this I'm sure it would be of great value to many of your readers , either way I'll be watching the tutorial this post is just an aknowledgement of the fact that this type of tutorial is needed, you idea is valid.

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I tend to agree with what you've said. Most tutorials (regardless it be music) don't explain the smaller, "basic" details because they do assume that everyone is aware of how to achieve that.

I did do a reverse reverb tutorial which I'm yet to upload but my time has been stretched and I haven't done another one. I should get around to uploading that soon.

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  • 5 months later...

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