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I don't hate them, i'm just sick of them. Both the cue buttons are almost completely wrecked, you gotta press them in the right place to make them work and even then they only work if you treat them like a lady, which i have done their entire lives, always only pressed them lightly and they still broke :( and i'm not sure if i'm a fan of the platters or not. They free spin; like you go for a spinback and let them go they will spin for like 5 secs unlike pioneers where they have some weight to them...i'm unsure whether i like that :P I'm used to it now so it feels weird to use platters with some weight. And on pioneers you can adjust the tempo by 0.02, on these it's 0.05 and on certain songs that is really annoying :P There's other shit i would like to change but hey, they work, i have a blast on them and they were good to learn on, i don't hate them, i just really want pioneers :P And a few of the buttons on my mixer are broken too so i really want to upgrade that too....so if anyone has some pioneers that they just hate, i am willing to swap cause i'm such a nice guy :D

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My "adjustments" are nearly complete. Apologies for the wobbly and massive shots. I am not a photographer.

stage 1: NS6 and Macbook Mobile DJ:


stage 2: Macbook and controller keyboard with extra screen plus yamaha mini mixing desk (on the bookcase on the right) in case I want to add any external instruments other audio for production/editing. Those with real sharp eyes may notice the stylophone (by yer very own rolf harris) on top of the speaker. Currently am just rocking hifi speakers which I use to chk all prod during mastering but I am collecting my reference monitors from the guy I lent them to soon for real prod:


stage 3: FAB, lift up the lid and... ahh, the girls. Lucy (the left deck) and Rachel (the right deck). These have been mine for 14 years now but spent the last 6 years pretty much in storage. Note the macbook still available for timecode, NI8 cant be seen from this shot but is there. Also there are a few vinyl under the desk and behind me. This morning I am mostly listening to Trojan Records dub instrumentals, the roots of dubstep, not that most of todays poptarts would credit it.


stage 4: the office, and ADJF online. I may not have as much time as usual to spend in this area. Final note: in the office I mostly use an ancient rocking chair. Happy now, ah yeaaahhhhhh.


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Hey robsta. I'd considering using something to raise your lappy a few inches above that amps vents or you may suffer over heating. Nice rig.

Yeah got it covered my dad is making a basic mount to get the air flowing :)

@mitch I dunno if I'm gonna turn them 90 degrees, I prefer the pitch how it is.

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