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Getting installed on Friday (was sopose to be last friday but optus are hopeless), just asking if anybody here has it? How is it? and is it really any better than ADSL?

Id usually go telstra but ill have to wait like 2 more months, plus optus have an Unlimited pack for like $125 month (No contract)

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It's a clusterfuck in my area at the moment, some whales are getting the 'old' fttp and others are getting the new fttn. My street is supposed to get it within the next 12 months on optus but I already get 16mbps down so I dont really give two shits. The only shit thing is that these fagets only play shitty f2p games (read:league of legends) so it doesnt even mean anything to them other than bragging rights

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There is already fibre running all over the place near mine (live right near the Uni + ISP data centre), and i'm still stuck on ADSL1 with nights where it turns to shit. House isn't on NBN rollout map either.

E.g. last night (couldn't even upload the screenshot when I took it)


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wait with speedtest readouts dont you have to divide it by 7 or some shit for the realistic download speed?

when i load up the tv shows i get some pretty tank dl speeds---> greatest thing about living on college

ive seen it get much better than this but just for reference sake this was taken a minute ago


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Ye, speedtest measures in megabits per second, which is one eighth of a megabyte which most torrent shit measures in.

You can change that, but maybe it requires registration?

My internet is shaped right now. I couldn't even open speedtest.com to run the test.

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i just ordered fibre for my new joint


i got the 500M plan (they had three choices 100,300,500). no idea what that means for speed, let you know next week.

spewing though, the stupid fibre box is near door. on the other side of where the tv goes!!! so cant wire up my apple tv and sexbox

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i just ordered fibre for my new joint


i got the 500M plan (they had three choices 100,300,500). no idea what that means for speed, let you know next week.

spewing though, the stupid fibre box is near door. on the other side of where the tv goes!!! so cant wire up my apple tv and sexbox

Wouldn't you just use a router for that?

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yeh but i still preferred wired for maximum video streaming!

thats the way i currently have my apple tv running in the serviced apartment im in, and nba tv runs sooo nicely in full HD.

Hope that's not 500M quota haha :P

Yeah, Kodiak is right, you should be able to wire up a Router/Switch to do just the same thing yeah? You'll need a Modem for the incoming fibre (unless the apartment has one already), just get a good router to latch on to it if you don't get a Modem/Router combo.

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yeh but i still preferred wired for maximum video streaming!

thats the way i currently have my apple tv running in the serviced apartment im in, and nba tv runs sooo nicely in full HD.

Sorry was meaning an Ethernet switch. Regardless wifi should be a to handle that. I stream HD content across mine all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

got installed today. was looking at the powerline options. turns out the thing i thought was a phone line was actually a dataline output. woot wired goodness for games and video streaming

just tested mac on wifi. i dont know whats good but seems good


all the pr0n


oh wait singapore..... [-X

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You said you got a 500m plan. If that is speed related (500mbps), it's possible you'll get faster on Ethernet.

The speeds you're getting there is already twice as fast as the previous aus gov was aiming to be in 10 years time lol

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