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Where do you "buy" your music from


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I buy from beatport, itunes and juno

I preferred juno mainly, but because of the discount code beatport would send if you don't buy anything for three months I have found most of latest hauls have ben from them. I used to find juno cheaper and a lot of tracks that were region blocked in beatport were available in juno.

I have used BP support once when a track sounded like it has a stutter. they responded in about 30 hours and allowed me a re-download. track still had a stutter so I assume it was intentional

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Thanks for the response.

Has anyone heard or used of soundeo.com

I've been using it the last month, $15 per month 20 downloads a day, mp3 or wav. The only catch is people have to vote for the tracks to be available for download.

Still pretty good of you are a collector or DJ, getting a lot from there as well if possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think you can bail during the 30 days but after the first 30 it's no obligation. The voting is the only downside, BUT again I just go through the genre's and download what sounds good, shit tonne to get through, the samples are long and great quality, has to be the best player out of all the digital shops.

Maybe if we setup a thread here we can all vote for tracks we want? I don't really use my 2 votes a day.

Haven't touched beatport since I found this. I guess the more people that jump on board the more chance you have of getting the tracks you want.

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