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What's the name of that song?


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Hi Guys and Girls

Relatively new to this site, trying to get my bearings etc.

One thing that has been bugging me for a while is the name of a piano instrumental song that I heard (on hold music believe it or not) which I know I've heard before but can't recall the name.

I have perfect pitch so I've basically put the notes below of the melody(the version I heard was in D Major with the notes starting on D above middle C).

If you play it out on a piano imagine the main length of the notes to be quavers, longer note to be minim and the shorter notes to be semi-quavers.

D D A (sub mid c) D F# D F# A (longer note) D (octave) C# B A (longer note)

F# (shorter note) G (shorter note) A G E C# A (sub mid c) C# E# G F# D B A (longer note)

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