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Serato SL1 issues


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Hey guys when i try play a track through serato all i hear is a high pitched feedback, any ideas?

I currently have it set up so that the Channel 1 THRU (serato) is connected to Channel 1 PHONO (mixer) and Channel 1 LINE (serato) is connected to Channel 1 LINE/CD (mixer).. the same is set up for channel 2.

On the mixer i have the switch set to PHONO. When i move it over to CD/LINE i dont get any audio at all.

Could there be a problem with the timecode CDs maybe?

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hey if it works like tsp you should have your mixer set to line.

this is basically becasue your turntables are going into the sl1 and then going into the line of the mixer. only when you are using it as pass thru (i.e. playing normal records/ cd's) do you switch it to phono.

as to why you are not getting any audio when you have it on line. no idea

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