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End of an era... Technics 1200


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taken from storeDJ newsletter

You hear parents talking about where they were when they heard that JFK was shot, or that man landed on the Moon. For DJ’s, this news will come with similar surprise.

The gracious founder and mother of all DJ equipment, the Technics SL-1200 is being put to bed and will no longer be produced.

Store DJ would like to thank the SL-1200 for all the love she has shown all of us vinyl junkies after so long, but I guess since Vinyl Warning shut its doors, she lost the will to live!

Store DJ will have limited stock during the coming months, but then that is it, no more, ever.

tear..... glad i have 2

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nah the prices will go up as demand wil go up. dj warehouse has been out for a while (i thinks)

hey tomy, is it all models or just the Mk2

buck_choi.. i watched like 100 items or so on eBay, and they were going for between 400-650 ea (thats a Mk2) depending on whether they were loaded or had dust covers. i was asking everyone for the serial number to get the age and only came across one that was less than 10 yrs old.

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courtesy of Professor Wiki Pedia

"Old-format serial number: NHOJF20765 (SL-1200 manufactured 1982)

The first digit shows the year when the turntable was manufactured. These serial numbers contain no indication of the month of manufacture. It should be noted that serial numbers in this format contain no letters following digits.

New-format serial number: GE4FB001154 (SL-1200MK2 manufactured June 2004)

The first digit shows the year when the turntable was manufactured, while the month of manufacture is indicated by the letter following it. Months are coded as letters between A and L inclusive; A indicates January, B indicates February, and so on, so F indicates June."

the flaw is you cant tell the decade, so 1994 will show the same as 2004. so you have to gauge with what they say (i.e. when they bought it)

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from another forum:

the 1200MK5 and 1210MK5 WILL be discontinued leaving the 1210MK5G as the top of the range and most definitely NOT discontinued. It never was a limited edition, just a flagship special edition model. And the 1200 and 1210 MK2 will continue as normal. So now there's some distance between the MK2 and MK5G models instead having a middle MK5 deck to confuse matters. So it's vanilla Technics or the more expensive piano black extra pitched blue light luxury model left in the range

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Umm lol

Dear Customers,

We would like to clarify an article we wrote in our newsletter titled "End of an era... Technics 1200". As it turns out, Panasonic have not discontinued the Technics turntable range.

We received this email from Panasonic today:

From: David Blair [mailto]

Sent: Monday, 30 November 2009 4:44 PM

To: Jeremy Leitch

Subject: URGENT please read regarding Technics Turntables.

Importance: High

Regarding an email I sent last week regarding the end of manufacture of Technics turntables

We have had a misunderstanding in communication with the factory and my original email is incorrect.

Panasonic will continue to manufacture and supply Technics turntables for the forseeable future.

We regret any problems this may have caused in the meantime.


David Blair | Sales Executive | Consumer Electronics Group| Panasonic Australia

Whether or not that was a planned viral marketing strategy or genuine miscommunication will probably never be known. But all we can say is thank you! Long live Technics!

Jeremy Leitch

Managing Director

Store DJ

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