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Some performance advice please..!

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Hi your eminences,

I have been playing for practice at a roller disco.. now I have a chance to go to a DJ competition here in Cairns. I don't know if I am actually going to get to go in it because they are just expecting contestants to use their CDjs- something I know less than nothing about.. I want to use my own gear and vj as well.. So anyway, here is a 5 minute set start- first go unedited (mistakes and all)

I would like some feedback as to what to do and not to do.. demographics will be 18-25

Don't be afraid to tell me that I am too old for it and just generally crap (its all good I already know)

Cheers all for any and all feedback

Have a great day


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  DrC1 said:
Haven't watched the video but if you use any of the sync, quantize or snap features I would think carefully about entering.


although you can quantize with cdjs that are rekordbox compatible, so that aspect isn't such a big deal.

if you have to use CDJs for the comp, then I suggest you hire a pair and have a play, prior to the comp.

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  GREMM1S said:
Fuck thats pretty cool with the visual stuff, my only suggestion is that running all that might be a bit much for a dj comp, whereas cdjs will be easy to just jump on do your thing etc.

Music sounds fine too.

Pretty much this.

Tapatalk 2

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That VDJ stuff looks cool, would be interested to see more of that!!

as for entering the comp i think it depends on how much you rely on the software to DJ,

if you find yourself needing to look at the screen to get things beatmatched then I would suggest practice mixing without looking at the screen before jumping on CDJs at a comp

In terms of mixing technique, i recon it all sounds pretty sweet, but would suggest to try and make the transitions a little bit longer, so its smoother and less rushed.

With the tracks ur mixing i know there isnt always much of an instrumental intro (or any part in the song), so you may need to experiment. This would involve setting a 4/8/16 bar loop that has no/minimal vocals and mix that into the other song, when the other song is faded out end the loop and let the song play as normal

I think track selection is fine for the type of thing your going for though aswell :thumleft:

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If they have cdj 2000's at the comp, then Just look at the bpm of the song, but dont look at the screen when launching or nudging it into sync. Download rekordbox and analize all your tracks.

If they have anything else, eg cdj 800's then choose your track wisely. The dude I versed a while go had only 128 bpm tracks, he even turned off the pitch fader! And practice mixing without looking at the laptop.

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