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Suggest a dope controller


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well, the M-Audio Axiom 49 MKII is $79 over budget. but has great reviews and M-Audio is a solid brand.

on ebay atm its got free P&H.

i imagine you could find one cheaper.


Thanks... I fucking want one of them now. Can be added to the list of shit I don't got the money for.

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if its pads & keys i think my last suggestion was good. The M-Audio Axiom 49 MKII, but it was $379.

for $249 the Novation Launchkey looks good


The Roland A-300PRO looks good. Solid brand. you could always splice and add pads like a KORG NanoPad2 for extra $50.




or visa versa like, get a Novation Launchpad for $150 & a Alesis QX49 for the same $. great pads and keys combined.

There is some really quality shit out there for about the $430 mark. just saying...

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