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This 15yr old has sum mayja skillz!!


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hey mate, thanks for signing up.

They are cockheads at ITM, we will give you feedback whenever you request it.

Cool song man, love the distortion. In the first silent part, chuck in some white noise, fills it out better. ALso in the 1st breakdown, it needs to build a bit towards the drop.

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Hey thanks heaps for the feedback its been fantastic.

I was wondering...

I record on my iMac, using Reason 4, with a 2 octave Behringer midi control keyboard and a big 88 key Yamaha keyboard.

Christmas is coming up and my birthday, so what would be a good choice for stuff to ask to upgrade my mini home-studio?

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Is this guy a JayTee clone

Hey mate I am his friend LOL.

You stole the way I made my nickname using your initials, and you join almost all forums I join haha

and you probably stole that off someone else man. A lot of people do that kinda shit with their initials, and why wouldnt' I join this awesome forum =="

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