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DDJ-T1 or DDJ-S1 for beginners?


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As mitch said it really is all about the software.

Historically Serato was preferred by turntablists using timecode and traktor was known for the button pressing community - BUT: as they have evolved both have become pretty similar now... one main difference is that traktor has the remix decks now (mini ableton session views if you have enough buttons to conttol them) while Serato has the SP6 sampler - (6 loop or hit players within the software)

Also if you are buying a DDJ the timecode capabilities will be irrelevant to you.

search youtube for traktor and serato tutorials and demos - check out all the features and decide which suits your idea of DJing best.

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They are pretty similar except the obvious 2 and 4 channel difference.

I don't think it matters which one you get if it comes with bundled software. I like traktor better but that's just me.

Truth be told, if you get seriously good and you start playing clubs you won't be bringing this with you anyways so it's all about whatever you feel like YOU would want to use.

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i personally prefer serato, ive used both traktor and serato and personally prefer serato. The main difference is with the ddj-t1 you get 4 channles and use traktor software, and with the ddj-s1 you get 2 channles and use serato

i would suggest going down to your local storedj or djwarehouse (if you are metro) and trying out the controller and software, to see which you prefer.

there is no best traktor v serato, it just comes down to what you personally like

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agree w/ all you need to check them out

also think about what you need.

ive used both, and because i use it only as a crate then none of the features made any difference to my decision. so i bought the cheaper one

so yeh other than horizontal versus vertical waveforms i found no difference using either of them.

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