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First gig... for over 600 people!

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I got my first gig coming up in under a week. It is at my school athletics carnival with over 600 people there. Me and my mate are going to be DJing for the entire day, from about 9 all the way to 15. 6 hours straight non stop. We have already developed a track list.

It is my first gig so I want some suggestions or cool ideas on what we can do there. My friend has got experience already, but I need some tips.

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  MintyCondition said:
The age group is 15 and up. We are also planning to just play festival (electronic) songs throughout the day.

at that age u gotta remember not everyone wants to hear festival music. If its a carnival there iwll be parents and teachers who will want to hear something a bit more old school

this means youll be mixing a shit load of genres from rock to house, pop to jazz.

id probably try split the crowd up into 3 or 4 groups of differing genres and play to all of them... maybe 4 songs per group or something like that?

As have been mentioned before, this will most likely be background music, so id advise to stock up on tech/deep mixed in with pop classics

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