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Hi there haven't posted in here for ages sorry guys :s

Anyway the club I play at has a DJM900 and CDJ2000's. With the DJM does the usb part of the mixer work as a TRAKTOR sound card same way a rane mixer is a serato soundcard? I'm running serato at the moment on vinyl and they have an sl4 box there but thought i might try cdjs with traktor one time to try something different.

If the DJM does work as a sound card does that mean I only need to download the traktor program as i would serato?


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You will need a license to use traktor on your laptop. Basically download and install the djm 900 tool from pioneer, plug the USB from the 900 into your laptop, use the tool to set the channels etc and use the traktor setup wizard to get it going. You'll still need 2x more USB ports to use the CDJ in HID mode as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You can use the CDJ's in HID mode and use their soundcards which output like you were using usb or cdj to the mixer, just like normal.

this... which means no need to purchase scratch pro.

providing the firmware is up to date on the cdjs, then usb all the things and play :)

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