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About Me

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    DJ Central is a new and exciting global show that features the hottest DJ’s playing the hottest hits, awesome remixes and mash ups, lifestyle segments, news and gossip, new music suggest by DJ’s, clubs and culture.

    DJ Central will bring you Sydney’s Clubbing nightlife to your TV screens on Foxtel’s Aurora Channel!

DJCentral's Achievements

  1. Hot new TV show DJ Central is looking for DJs to showcase on our weekly program. If you're a DJ with fresh beats and a sweet music video, send an email to content@bluepie.com.au with a link to your video for your chance to receive national exposure on FOXTEL's Aurora Channel 183. Go to http://djcentralmusic.wordpress.com/ or http://djcentral.tv/ for more info about the show. Don't miss out on your chance to expose the country to your music alongside artists such as Sneaky Sound System. DJ Central airs every Friday Night from 9:30-11:00pm on Foxtel Channel 183 - Aurora Channel
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